Unlocking HR Efficiency and Employee Engagement

Delivering efficient communication and engagement with employees and potential candidates to streamline HR processes effectively.

Emphasizing your Business

0 X

Increase in employee engagement

0 %

Interviews Scheduled Automatically

0 X

Increase in reach

0 %

Reduction in cost

Benefits for HR Department

Seamless Onboarding and Offboarding

Send automated welcome messages to new hires, providing essential information about the company, policies, and the onboarding process ensuring a smooth transition.

Effective Communication

Implementing a chatbot powered by WhatsApp enables HR departments to automatically address common employee queries related to leaves, benefits, policies, and more freeing up HR staff.

Multichannel Engagement

With WACTO, HRs gain the ability to engage with employees and candidates through multiple channels, including SMS, WhatsApp, social media and more.

Compliance and Policy Communication

Share policy documents, training materials, and compliance updates with employees to ensure that employees have access to critical information.

Employee Recognition and Rewards

HRs can use chatbots to automate employee recognition programs and send personalized messages to employees on birthdays, work anniversaries, or other milestones, enhancing employee morale and engagement.

Messaging Evolved

Enterprise SMS for Seamless Communication

Notify employees about company events, training programs, or new policies. Disseminate important updates, such as changes in HR policies or benefit programs. Send automated welcome messages to new hires, making them feel valued from day one.

WhatsApp Chatbot for Instant Engagement

Implement automated chat flows for handling common HR inquiries like leave requests, policy queries, or onboarding processes. Enhance efficiency by automating responses to frequently asked questions, freeing up HR staff for more complex tasks.

Banking On Brilliance

WACTO – Omnichannel

WACTO allows HR departments to engage with employees and candidates across multiple platforms, ensuring no message goes unnoticed. Maintain a unified brand presence and messaging across various communication channels.

Your Allies for smoother Conversations!

SMS API for Customized Messaging

Seamlessly integrate SMS capabilities into your HR software or platform. Send personalized messages and timely reminders for special occasions like birthdays or work anniversaries. Tailor messages to specific employee groups for more effective communication.

WhatsApp API for Secure Transactions

Enable secure transactions for HR-related activities, such as reimbursements or salary deposits. WhatsApp adds as an additional layer of security for sensitive HR conversation. Send personalized messages to candidates during the recruitment process.

Clients Reviews

Trusted and Loved by thousands of customers worldwide. Call us and Grow!

Elevate Your HR Game with our Services

Nettyfish Solutions provides HR professionals with the tools they need to excel in their areas, ensuring smoother processes, happier employees, and more productive recruitment efforts.

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